Science and Technology Society

About Us

The constitution terms are ......

1. Aims.
2. Membership.
3. General Meeting.
4. Annual General Meeting.
5. Duties of the executive members.
5.1. The Chairperson.
5.2. The Treasure.
5.3. The Secretary.
5.4. Equipment Officer.
6. Elections


1. Aims
• To arrange regular scientific presentation by members of the society.
• To arrange regular seminars by invited speakers.
• To publish society scientific journal.
• To arrange visiting tours in different research labs and industries.
• To provide courses on software related to science and technology.

2. Membership
Membership to the society shall be open to all members of DCU (students & staff) upon submitting the Membership Form and paying the annual membership fees that is fixed by SPC.

3. General Meetings
• General Meetings shall be held at least once a term. Two weeks written notice must be given to society treasurers.
• The quorum for general meetings will be 50% of those entitled to vote at general meetings.
• No person may have two votes. Notice of general meetings will be posted on notice boards and by e-mail at least one week before the time specified for the meeting

4. The Annual General Meeting:
The exact date for the AGM shall be decided by the Executive Committee. It should be held as soon as possible after the end of the individual society financial year.

5. Duties of the Executive Members

5.1 The Chairperson
• The Chairperson shall endeavour to carry out his role to the best of his ability and in accordance with the constitution while also ensuring that all members of the Executive Committee carry out their role on the committee.
• The Chairperson shall take the chair at all meetings of the committee.
• The Chairperson is empowered t o countersign cheques and withdrawal forms drawn on the committee’s bank account.
• He shall have an ordinary vote at committee meetings and in the case of an equality of votes on any matter he shall have a casting vote.
• The Chairperson shall also be responsible for the appointment of chairpersons to any sub-committee of the Executive or the Committee.

5.2 The Treasurer
• The Treasurer shall be responsible for all the financial transactions of the committee and for the maintenance of accounts subject to the decisions of the committee.
• All cheques and withdrawal forms from the committee’s bank account shall be signed by the Treasurer. Arrangements for the issue of cheques during the vacation or where the Chairperson or Treasurer are otherwise unavailable for any short period may include provision for the appointment of a pro-chairperson or pro-treasurer from the members of the committee for that period. Such pro-chairperson or pro-treasurer shall be empowered to issue cheques only when countersigned by the Treasurer or Chairperson respectively, provided always that there are two signatures on all such instruments, one of which must be either the Chairperson’s or the Treasurer’s. The Treasurer shall also be empowered to issue receipts.
• The Treasurer shall close his accounts at the end of the committee’s financial year and, thereafter, as soon as possible, shall arrange the accounts for presentation to an external auditor. Such accounts, having been audited and signed, copies then furnished to the following: the Executive Committee members, the General Committee members, the Student Finance Committee members and the University Finance Officer.

5.3 The Secretary
• The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the committee and shall keep a record of it on file.
• The Secretary is empowered to countersign cheques and withdrawal forms on the committee’s bank account.
• The Secretary shall minute all general meetings of the committee and all Executive meetings where a minute Secretary is not present. The Secretary will arrange to have them typed and presented at the start of the next meeting.

5.4 Equipment Officer
• The Equipment Officer shall keep an inventory of all equipment that has been purchased by societies from SPC funds or Society funds. He will reconcile the inventory of equipment submitted by the society with his own record and where a discrepancy arises he will seek an explanation.
• He will report regularly to the Executive Committee.
• He shall be responsible along with the Treasurer for the booking of any committee equipment or facilities.

6. Elections
• All candidates shall be elected by secret ballot on simple majority.
• Nominations for elections shall require a seconded proposal for each post named.
• Proxy votes shall not be valid.
• Observers shall not have voting rights

Our Users

Every Student who is interested in sciences  and technologies, and wish to improve his/her skills in University life.